Monday, December 10, 2007

Note to self:

Always check the washing machine for disposable diapers.
Failure to do so could result in dire consequences.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

So far I have not lifted a finger to anything about Christmas decorating. I actually just recently took the rotten corps of what was the Jack-O-Lantern off my porch after Kylie looked out there and informed me that he was dead.
If it was up to me I wouldn't bother decorating. It's not like I entertain anyone at my place. Being a parent I do feel obliged to put forth some effort in making Christmas special.
So I figure I should start with a tree of some sort. Come to think of it I haven't had to pick out a tree in quite some time. I always just left it up to room mates.
So the big question is at hand. Do I buy a live tree and let it fill the house with the lovely scent that freshly butchered trees give, along with the needles? Or do I buy one that comes in a box along with the feeling that I just lost part of my soul, but can be reused for year and years to come, thus saving the lives of perhaps dozens of happy little trees?
So now I will contemplate the choice at hand while creating a new definition for pathetic: Eating a microwave chicken pot pie, alone, on a Saturday evening, while listening to sappy alt rock.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Sometimes + = -

I got a pay raise last week. A meager 1.4 percent. Not one to complain too much, after all 35 cents an hour more can add up.... well a little. Assuming I work 40 hours a week that would add up to 14 dollars more every payday. 14 dollarsa week could pay for a gym membership or maybe cable t.v. or a case of beer...OK a case of cheap beer(Natty Ice?)

Turns out it all was elaborate scheme cooked up by my dear old Uncle Sam and his toadies down at the IRS. By giving me this pittance of a raise they have all too slyly bumped me up to the next tax bracket which means that they will "legally" get to take my well deserved 14 dollars a week as well as about 80 cents that was initially mine to take home.

Bummers dude....

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Die Emo kids!(It's ok I think they want to)

I haven't laughed this hard in a while. Watch this. For more info on Emo go here.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Five years

Could be an album cover for the worst christian rock band ever.
Could also be an album cover for the worst christian rock band ever.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


One thing about climbing is that once you start you begin to get these urges to climb everything in sight,this may include building columns, trees, telephone poles or your living room walls.

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to climb between the walls of my hallway and move down the length of it as close to the ceiling as know like ninjas do in movies. I happened to be in my underpants as well. All was going well till I came to my bathroom doorway and tried to maneuver around it. Unfortunately I have not mastered the art of climbing down hallways and fell about 7 ft to the ground with a thud. Luckily my son was the only other person in the house, and he just came of of his room and gave me a look that seemed to express embarrassment, disbelief and amusement all at once.

I've recently, after much slacking, made a serious effort to start climbing again, mainly bouldering. After an intense week or two I've come to the realization that I am stuck at a mediocre level and that I lack the flexibility to advance to the next level. Luckily my local rock gym offers a yoga class for climbers. So I made a commitment to go in once a week.....heh.

I'll keep you posted.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Feliz Dia de Guajolote

Happy Thanks G to one and all. I'm thankful to have family and friends. I'm thankful that my health is intact and that I haven't lost any limbs this year. And today I'm especially thankful for coffee....good, sweet life giving coffee.

Now excuse me while I express my deep thanks and gratitude by stuffing my face with goodies.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Things I would have done.

I was going to post some pics and video clips right now but as luck would have it Blogger is unwilling to upload my media. I will instead now download my favorite podcast and attempt to cure my ever worsening case of writer's block.

Screw it! I'm just gona go climbing instead.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007


" Civilization shouts,gives orders, writes rules, puts man in institutions, and intimidates him with a thousand irritating directives. In turn it offers him protection, soul salvation, and a living if he can find it. Nature looks down on him and broods in silence. It's noises of running streams and wind in the trees are it's own, not directed at but soothing to him because he heard them long before he heard the noises of civilization."

Walter Prescott Webb

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Eat more Chikin.

I think I have contracted a slow developing form of Bovine Spongiform. This would explain my incapability to express an intelligent thought, much less write one down.

As usual, chaos seems to constantly wedge it's way in to my ,as of yet, unachievable Utopian life, usually in the form of over sized pile of could be clean-could also be dirty laundry.

On a positive note- I did manage to cook up my first ever successful kick-ass stir-fry lo mein. Kudos?

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Qua sum ego?.................

Thursday, August 30, 2007

To you know who:

In some respects
I suspect you've got a respectable side
When pushed and pulled and pressured
You seldom run and hide
But it's for someone elses benefit
Not for what you wanna do
Until I realize that you've realized
I'm gonna say these words to you

You don't know what love is
You do as you're told
Just as a child at ten might act
But you're far too old
You're not hopeless or helpless
And I hate to sound cold
But you don't know what love is...
You just do as you're told

I can see your man
Cant help but win
Any problems that may arise
But in his mind there can be no sin
If you never criticize
You just keep on repeating
All those empty "I love you's"
Until you say you deserve better
I'm gonna lay right into you

You don't know what love is
You just do as you're told
Just as a child of ten might act
But you're far too old
Your not hopeless or helpless
And I hate to sound cold
But you don't know what love is
No you don't know what love is
No you don't know what love is

You just do as you're told
You do as you're told

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A moot point to moot.

I have successfully leased my very own apartment. This turned out to be quite a loathsome task once I realized what sort of place my meager budget would allot me.
Austin, being a college town, gets an influx of apartment renters at the end of summer, and to no surprise the local real estate hench-persons have caught on to this little nugget of information and have, probably against their own good human nature, decided to use this contrivance for their personal gain. I picked a bad time to move.

So the predicament at hand is: Due to the fact that our local broadband provider has slyly set up what appears in every sense of the word to be a monopoly and can thus charge me, being a choiceless consumer, what it pleases for services rendered. I am forced to choose between cable t.v. and broadband Internet. Watching the Discovery\National Geo channels is a great way to spend an evening by yourself and not to mention the great tool the cartoon network can be in distracting children when your trying to get "important" business done. Life however, would not be the same without the endless trough of information that Wikipedia has so graciously laid at my fingertips.

Meanwhile .... children are starving in Darfur.

Monday, August 13, 2007


The life is insane right now.......... I'll get back to it as soon as possible.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


I'm feeling the need to add an entry to my increasingly devoid of substance blog. I'm sure all my regulars, not that I actually ever had any such enthusiasts, have long abandoned this wasteland. Those of you who have remained faithful, if there be any, will one day sit at my right hand and reap the benefits that one reaps from sitting at my right hand......Anywho.

I will not bore you with the details of my everyday happenings or the humdrum of my mundane existence. It will have to suffice to say that not too much has happened as of late that you, my most esteemed readers, would consider interesting much less entertaining.

There remains only the matter of residence.

I have, for the past two years of glorious bachelorhood, lived with my brother and his lovely wife. All has been fine and dandy, but we've all agreed before hand that this would be the last year we all stayed together, by that I mean that they would prefer that I move out(heh).
I considered getting a room mate, but one can't be too careful about who you have sleeping in the next room, and any suitable candidates have since flaked out on me. So it seems set. I must get my own place. I actually enjoy the thought of going home to an empty house, where I must answer to no one. I shall come and go as I please and sneaking fat chicks in and out will be a thing of the past(I kid.... no really... I kid, everyone knows I could never actually bag one).

Now the hunt begins..........for an apartment that is.

Sunday, May 20, 2007



Turns out the grand bargain I got on my Subaru wasn't so grand. Granted I did only spend 600 dollars to buy it, and it came with a functional AC, which is a must here in Texas, unless you're Mexican. Apparently this little car has a sporadic acceleration problem that, up to this point,has baffled myself, the overpaid bastards at my sole local Subaru dealership, and of course, the retards down at the tune up franchise. The car runs and has not left me stranded yet( knock on wood), but all the good is constantly overshadowed by this performance problem(heh).

I have come to the conclusion that I must have a truck. Not just any truck. I want a good ol' fashioned American made Ford, Dodge, or that order. I want something with a bench seat, enough room to climb in the engine compartment, and enough ground clearance to crawl right under it without pulling out the jack and a 2x4. This is not a product of low self-esteem. This is me being practical. Being an electrician, I continually find myself in need of one.......besides, it sucks when you have to tell people that you borrowed the truck you're driving from your sister-in-law.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Too many times it seems I look upon this decaying unused heap of a blog and feel the guilt of laziness and broken promises. Every once in a while the guilt becomes powerful enough to rouse me from my mental inertness and propels me into the often loathed, menial, task of posting.

Here's a quote that struck me recently.

" Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls
who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane,
plastic, television, and subdivisions."

-Ignatius J. Reilly
"A Confederacy of Dunces"

While I'm still quoting. Here's one I thought all too fitting.

" Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra. When suddenly it flips, pinning you beneath. At night the ice weasels set in.

-Matt Groening

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Oh for the simple joys of transverse fission.......

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Ask me if I care.............
No really........
IF..... I ever cared.....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My miserable little world has frozen over for the past three days. Which hasn't really been too much of a big deal but..... most Texans, or southerners for that matter, can't drive in the snow for beans or other more choice expletives.
Being that my job site has closed down due the weather, I have been forced to lay around the house doing a whole lot of nothing. You may wonder why I haven't posted much then, but it just wouldn't seems like the thing to do.... I mean that's what everyone else would want me to do.....and let's just face it I couldn't just go along with it. So to weather the boredom I've been venturing out in the ice and snow to drink way more coffee than I'm used to drinking and debate the finer points of philosophy and existentialism with..... well the best person I can think of when it comes to debating philosophy and existentialism. As well as the occasional nasty IM chat-off.
Tomorrow I must return to work, and even though I will welcome my reacquired busyness, I will have to say that I will also miss this not so entirely wasted-wasted time.