Wednesday, January 17, 2007


My miserable little world has frozen over for the past three days. Which hasn't really been too much of a big deal but..... most Texans, or southerners for that matter, can't drive in the snow for beans or other more choice expletives.
Being that my job site has closed down due the weather, I have been forced to lay around the house doing a whole lot of nothing. You may wonder why I haven't posted much then, but it just wouldn't seems like the thing to do.... I mean that's what everyone else would want me to do.....and let's just face it I couldn't just go along with it. So to weather the boredom I've been venturing out in the ice and snow to drink way more coffee than I'm used to drinking and debate the finer points of philosophy and existentialism with..... well the best person I can think of when it comes to debating philosophy and existentialism. As well as the occasional nasty IM chat-off.
Tomorrow I must return to work, and even though I will welcome my reacquired busyness, I will have to say that I will also miss this not so entirely wasted-wasted time.


Blog God said...

the "best" person. You hear that liz? He called you the "Best Person"!!!

Living My Fairytale said...

When you're sneakin around you're not s'posed to put it on your blog, David, that's how you get caught. Sigh, now Liz will be stoned for adultery.

Liz said...

i do believe you have to be married to commit adultery..

and it's true. i'm pretty much the best person, barring only god and maybe mother teresa :D

Poochies said...

And the Hollow Twins!! I have to put in a plug for them.

Anonymous said...

Where u hidin'?

Liz said...

Yawn, yawn...maybe you should take time off from being a pervert to say something to the world >:)