Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No wind in my sails

I've been trying to be really I have.  
Really not sure why I keep this up. Knowing what I know.  We're all just a stew of electrons slamming into each other. We are all just drops in the cesspool called humanity. Why bother with keeping your head up? 

It would make much more sense if it didn't have to make sense.

Tonight I wouldn't care if some one turned it all off. Tomorrow I'll be positive again....I swear.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Life on a line

Today I witnessed an accident on the job site. One of the tower cranes on the job swung over into the line of the other tower crane snagging his line and in the process yanking a concrete form and an iron worker who was attached to the form up about 50 feet or so into the air.  I had been talking with a co-worker and hadn't really been paying to much attention. Suddenly from the corner of my eye, I a made out a human form swinging above the job site. The first thing that went through my head was "what an idiot......why would he being doing that?". The look of horror on his face snapped me out my flawed reasoning. His co-workers were frantically trying to alert the crane operator of the trouble below. I cringed as I watched his helpless body slam into the guard rail on the third floor and then cringed again as the form followed, slamming against him on the rail as well. Luckily once he was lowered he seemed to just be banged up pretty bad. I'm sure he'll at least have a few broken ribs.

In other news: I finally cleaned my room, fixed my bike, and tomorrow I'm getting cable TV.