Thursday, November 29, 2007


One thing about climbing is that once you start you begin to get these urges to climb everything in sight,this may include building columns, trees, telephone poles or your living room walls.

Yesterday I thought it would be fun to climb between the walls of my hallway and move down the length of it as close to the ceiling as know like ninjas do in movies. I happened to be in my underpants as well. All was going well till I came to my bathroom doorway and tried to maneuver around it. Unfortunately I have not mastered the art of climbing down hallways and fell about 7 ft to the ground with a thud. Luckily my son was the only other person in the house, and he just came of of his room and gave me a look that seemed to express embarrassment, disbelief and amusement all at once.

I've recently, after much slacking, made a serious effort to start climbing again, mainly bouldering. After an intense week or two I've come to the realization that I am stuck at a mediocre level and that I lack the flexibility to advance to the next level. Luckily my local rock gym offers a yoga class for climbers. So I made a commitment to go in once a week.....heh.

I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Haahahaa...thats freaking hilarious!

As for the really is awesome for flexibility (you'll see it's pretty addicting too). Great idea!

Blog God said...

Lol, sounds like something Ben would do

Nat said...

So now you're Ninja Dave too?