Saturday, April 21, 2007


Too many times it seems I look upon this decaying unused heap of a blog and feel the guilt of laziness and broken promises. Every once in a while the guilt becomes powerful enough to rouse me from my mental inertness and propels me into the often loathed, menial, task of posting.

Here's a quote that struck me recently.

" Every asylum in this nation is filled with poor souls
who simply cannot stand lanolin, cellophane,
plastic, television, and subdivisions."

-Ignatius J. Reilly
"A Confederacy of Dunces"

While I'm still quoting. Here's one I thought all too fitting.

" Love is a snowmobile racing across the tundra. When suddenly it flips, pinning you beneath. At night the ice weasels set in.

-Matt Groening


Liz said...

NICE quote. I must use it. What happens if the weasels have already feasted on your face?

BarbarianDave said...

You must simply join the rest of us on our macaube, blind, seemingly endless trudge trudge through the frozen tundra that is our remaining miserable existnce, till you finally sucumb to the cruelty of the elements and fall lifeless to your frozen yet well deserved grave. There you will remain frozen for centuries trapped in your unending misery, till some futuristic weekend skiers happen upon you......