Saturday, November 25, 2006


Got back last night after spending a few days outside San Antonio for Thanksgiving.
Had a great time. Unfortunately the much anticipated Thanksgiving football game never quite took off. Ended up throwing a baseball around with a few other guys. Eventually someone produced a baseball bat(more like a t-ball bat) and we then took turns hitting it. After having a six-pack on an empty stomach and when using an undersized bat, a baseball can be surprisingly hard to hit. I looked more like I was trying to fight off bees.
Thanks to Tim and co. we were all entertained to a pre-dinner home made explosives show. Dinner was great other than the fact that I came under a terrible allergy attack, it seems that anytime I take more than 2 days off work I get sick with something.
Spent the next day with my parents at Lake Medina playing mini-golf and feeding the hundreds of almost tame deer(Kylie calls them "bambis"}that roam the park.
Now I'm home to face the piles of dirty laundry, unmade beds, and dirty bathrooms that I had left in the hurry to get to Thanksgiving dinner.

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