Friday, October 21, 2005

Where angels fear to tread.

The previous occupant of my apartment was a brunette! A woman preferably, but it could have also been a man with long hair. This is how I know....
While taking a shower today I noticed that the water was backing up. This has been happening since I moved in, but being the procrastinator that I am, I have been putting off fixing the problem. Today however I reached the breaking point. The tub was filling and not going down. I looked around the bath room for a plunger.... None. I couldn't leave the bathroom as I wasn't decent and people were over. I tried cupping my hands over the drain to make a Mexican plunger.... Nothing happened. At this point I knew what had to be done. Only a man who was sure of himself, who has balls, could do what needed to be done a "man of the hour".
I closed my eyes. Stretched my shaking hand down towards the ominous drain. I slowly insert my index finger . The mass my finger encounters is truly terrible. I struggle to hold back the regirge as I quickly pull the wad out. The ball of hair is the largest most disgusting one I have ever seen. Long brown hair... Definitely not mine. Along with a lot of other stuff. I'm sure there were several distinct DNA strands intertwind in the hideous glob.
Anyway, the drain works great now. Thanks to the work of one brave man who "would".


Anonymous said...

God I hate hair in drains (specially when you share a bathroom with teenage boys who you KNOW masturbate in the shower), make me puke every time

Anonymous said...

Ewww I know the feeling of the "Glob".
Yuck, today was my turn in being a plummber and the nastyness I found... being female it was a very traumatic experiance.
(Unfortunatly hangers don't work all the time.)

Living My Fairytale said...

Rubber gloves or something, gawd, seriously that's like wiping your ass bare-handed or something.
(Don't tell me any of you have done that.)

BarbarianDave said...

Well if the need arises......