Thursday, January 12, 2006

Damn thieves

Tonight while leaving school,I walked to the parking lot and immediately noticed that my truck was gone. My heart sank. I had heard stories from friends who have had their vehicles stolen, but nothing really prepares you for the feeling. Just my f#@king luck!!!! While out with a friend last month, she showed me how my truck could easily be started just by turning the ignition the right way. I went to call the police on my cell and remembered that I had left it in the truck. Now I faced a long walk to the gas station to call the cops. I looked around the parking lot to see if any of my classmates where still there. I noticed a couple friends talking at the opposite end. I walked over and asked them if they had seen my truck. "Yeah, you parked it in the back by the dumpster". What? In all the years I've been going to this school I have never once parked in the back. Am I losing my mind? It was then that I remembered that when I went to break, my keys had been moved from one side of my desk to the other. Bastards!!! I felt completely relieved that I had only been a victim of a joke. I walked around the building and sure enough it was there. This definitely call for some PAYBACK!


Blog God said...

Hahaha! This should be good. Don't forget to keep following up this one.

Liz said...

what's up with your cars and their funky keys? I disovered mine can have the key pulled out of the ignition while driving. Haha

BarbarianDave said...

My truck does that as well, not to mention the finicky door ajar binging sound that it makes sporatically for no reason.

Liz said...

still? mr. electrician.

BarbarianDave said...

I know! I got so fed up with it the other day that I pulled the door apart. I had the kids with me and it was in a parking lot. I also left my tools at work. So needless to say I didn't get very far. I'll have to wait for the weekend when I'll have a few hours to work on it.FUN!!!