Sunday, January 22, 2006


I've noticed more and more lately the use of the term "Anarchy". Usually invoked by teenagers in what I assume is an attempt to emphasize their attachment to Punk Rock ideology. I dare say that in most cases the user of this term really has no idea what they're talking about. When I have asked the question "What is Anarchism?", a typical response would be..." It's like..Uhhh...nobody telling you what to".
In reality Anarchism is a loose term that covers an array of political and religious ideologies. While I do admire some of the great thinkers that held some of these beliefs, such as Tolstoy, I have to say that in a practical sense it would never work. In it's simplest forms Anarchism, like Communism, and other utopian ideologies relies on the "goodness of human nature". We all know where that can and usually does lead. Besides, when all is said and done someone/thing will always rise to the top and lead or take control. Unfortunately it's usually the man with the biggest club or largest nuclear arsenal.


Liz said...

unfortunate indeed.
good post.

Anonymous said...

...or the biggest penis

BarbarianDave said...

I guess I generalized in that statement. More acurately, the good human nature of many is often out done by the evil nature of a few. There will always be those who will take advantage of peoples good nature. Those driven by greed.