Sunday, September 18, 2005

Wake me up when September ends.

I seemed to have lost all vision!! I have so much to do but I don't really don't seem to care if it gets done! This applies to almost all aspects of my life right now bills, home improvements , cleaning my damn room, homework, car repairs etc. It seems the world around me has torn up the carcass of my soul and taken the pieces off to dark corners where it will be lustfully fought over. (ok, a little exaggerated) The sad thing about it is I will wake up tomorrow fall back into routine and do it all over again.
I am incapable of having a good time! The other night I got of work a little early, so I thought I'd head down town to see a band or go to a bar. After a few minutes I turned around and went home to work on the electrical outlets in the living room. Sad!! I guess it would have helped if I went with a group of friends.


Anonymous said...

Geronimo old friend, come to my wedding-- it'll be fun, lot's of friends there. We'd love to have you!

BarbarianDave said...


BarbarianDave said...
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Anonymous said...

October 2nd, Sunday, and it'll be here in Houston. Jamie and Heidi will be driving up so maybe you could hitch a ride with them?

Jason said...

I would normally advise for you to turn to Jesus, but I know you'll just scoff and make a sacreligeous joke, I'd say try xbox