Thursday, February 09, 2006


Apparently I've been tagged....Along with everyone else in the blogging world. I didn't know I was in the game, although that's what this is all about.....A big game.

First of all,why am I posting about this? Who really gives a damn! Posting a list of my desired traits in a partner is really going to improve my chances?The truth is most us just breeze through these things looking for some reassurance that we have these damn traits that others find attractive. Of course we all think that we posses these traits, regardless of the truth. In truth if it happens ...It happens. Inevitably,we will settle for the bad along with the good. The lucky ones will learn not to care so much and the rest of us will just lie to ourselves.

I despise the notion of internet romance/dating!!! It's like buying a car because it looked cool on the commercial. What you see in not what you get. Even the MPG rating is usually a crock of optimistic crap.

So I will break it down to one trait, as I said before,the rest really doesn't matter.

1.)Just be a darling........And I will be too.


Anonymous said...

excellent. you nailed it

Anonymous said...

Yeah this might be wierd and I was just passin' thru,so to fill up space and time: I thought it was a the sweetest thing said coming from a guy. --Wake