Saturday, February 04, 2006

26 down...24 to go (if all goes well).


Living My Fairytale said...

I remembered! At 11:30, but that's simply because I was oblivious to the date until that time. Too late to call, I'll try to do it sometime. Life is way too busy and I'd like you all to know that thanks to this baby, I now have PAPERWORK in my life. Which sucks. Anyway, Happy Birthday, I can't believe you're 26...I was thinking 24 or something, and you don't look a day over 18! That's probably not a compliment....heh, love ya, night.

Anonymous said...

Happy late birthday, David. Love you and pray you have a great 26th year.

Anonymous said...

I rememberd your birthday, I just wasnt able to call. Praying for you. Love you lots. hope you have a great year ahead. a big hug