Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dave Vs. The Javaman

I have resolved to give up coffee

Jamie and Heidi went out of town on vacation for a week. Heidi usually makes the coffee in the morning, or at least she sets the coffee pot up. Suddenly having been placed in the situation where I have to make my own, I became inspired to give it up all together.
I had actually been thinking about it for a while now. Over the past few years, due to my daily schedule, I've found that it's been an increasingly easy habit to get into. Don't get me wrong now! I don't have a problem with coffee drinkers. I just can't stand the thought of being dependent on it, or anything else for that matter. I often find myself walking out of the room when a good TV show is on so that I don't feel like a have to keep up with the next episode.
How hard could it be? I've given up a lot of things recently i.e sex,alcohol( right), sanity, dignity. Besides, I never actually liked coffee in the first place.
The first day I got up, ate and left the house. About an hour after I got to work the Javaman let loose. I was overcome with tiredness and spent the rest of the day in semi-state of consciousness. I found myself getting headaches in the evening from caffeine withdrawals. I really didn't think I was that addicted. I have found however, that everyday it gets a little easier. I'm now in my second week of being nearly coffee free, and have never felt better(RIGHT!).....Actually I do feel pretty good, dare I say I even have a positive attitude?

We'll see how it goes......


Liz said...

then try having a cup again after going without.
it just feels sooo good.
absence makes the heart grow fonder..

Living My Fairytale said...

haha, "just one little bite, Eve"
You're a sneaky one, Liz.

BarbarianDave said...

Nice to know I got the support:P

Kristina said...

The first few weeks are the hardest. A great transition 'drug' in the future (cause you know you'll be hooked again sometime in your life) is tea. Do black the first week, green the second, and then you can decide to keep the tea (high in antioxidents) or lose it too, in the third week.

This aproach will help with the grogginess and headaches which can be a bitch to deal with if you have work and a family to care for.

Good luck!!

BarbarianDave said...

Cool! If I only knew then what I knew now.