Monday, April 17, 2006

Dave Vs. The Clutch.

The clutch on my truck has been slipping for about a month now. It's also been getting harder and harder to shift gears. So I decided that this weekend would be a good time to change it out. I've changed a clutch once before on a 93 Honda Civic.
It was a terrible job that I spanned out over a few weeks. After a few nights of scrubbing the my grease coverd body at 3 am I resolved never to have to do it again, at least not on a front wheel drive automobile. This time would be different they all said. Rear wheel drive vehicles are a lot easier. .....So I thought!....So said all the experts!
The one thing you must never forget when you're considering a "do it yourself" job on your car is to always factor in Murphey's law, which in it's simplest of forms states: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. I really wouldn't have a problem taking it to a mechanic. Expect for the 5 or 6 hundred dollar price tag. You know me always eager to save some hard earned money.
So I set out on what was to be a 24 hour journey spanning two days. 24 hours of sliding around on my back (which by the way now looks like I was a linching victim). 24 hours of rust and dirt falling in my face. 24 hours of busting my knuckles. 24 hours of a plethra of curse words which eventually just dumbed down to a repetative shout of S.O.B.
Lesson learned!! I will no longer atempt a heavy duty job like this unless: I have enough time, the proper tools, a good pair of gloves and a back-up vehicle.


Anonymous said...

I remember being nine and hearing those curse words which were new to me at the time while helping (by helping I mean holding the flash light so he could see) David change the shocks on his jeep...sounds like a sucky job Dave


BarbarianDave said...

The clutch is working smooth as butter , but now it's overheating in the 98 degree Texas sun.
I do remeber you holding the flashlight Mike....Thanks!

Jason said...

You shouldn't be changing out clutches without me.

Anonymous said...

"If I only had the porper tools" I feel like I have said that a million times. I think that there should be a law that says "if you are missing the proper tools Murphey's law will become exponentially more probable".

Liz said...

yea. i'm echoing loxy...
at least you can!!
i'm soo gonna find some dusty old manuals and start figgering out car parts. heck yea (spits)

but i empathize for your pain

BarbarianDave said...

I actually the manual for your car.

Liz said...


thejoylady said...

I feel so bad for you. I hate to hear you are having such a hard time. Every parent wants there kids to have a wonderful life without problems. If I ever get lots of money I would love to relieve you of that kind of pain. Maybe we should all just go back to the horse and buggy mode.

Living My Fairytale said...

but at least you got it working, that's super cool. When it's all said and done, I'm sure you're glad you opted for the "do it yourself" option....right?